QMware and FH Technikum Vienna strengthen the quantum ecosystem in Austria with a unique initiative
Strategic partnership to build quantum computing expertise in Austria: together with quantum cloud provider QMware AG, FH Technikum Wien (FHTW) aims to optimally prepare students for the dawning age of quantum computing.
• The initiative links science and practice and offers a unique service through the use of QMware AG's private quantum computing cloud: participants can develop and test their applications here in a secure environment.
• With its own data center in Vienna, QMware AG is a pioneer in the field of hybrid quantum computing and offers the highest security and data protection precautions in accordance with the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation.
• The cooperation kicks off with "FHTW-Summer School 2022: Quantum Technology" from August 16 to 19, 2022. On August 18, FH Technikum Wien invites partners and media to the Conference Dinner. Registration at jobs@technikum-wien.at. Requests for photo material at jobs@technikum-wien.at.

Vienna August 16, 2022 – QMware AG and FH Technikum Vienna announce a unique initiative to strengthen the quantum computing ecosystem in Austria. QMware AG is a pioneer in the field of quantum computing with the world’s first data center in Vienna that combines classical highperformance computing and quantum computing. The company offers a private cloud where industry partners are already developing and deploying quantum-based algorithms and applications for real-world applications. The launch of the cooperation will intensify the exchange between the innovative cloud provider and the scientific community in the field of quantum technology. The aim is to optimally prepare young talents for the dawning age of the key technology quantum computing with the help of application-oriented research methods, to promote the mutual exchange of knowledge, and to jointly drive forward projects.
The cooperation kicks off with the “FHTW Summer School 2022: Quantum Technology”, which will take place from August 16 – 19. For one week, tutors and more than 50 students will deliberately invest their free time to familiarize themselves with the theoretical basics of the technology and to try out their first practical applications. As part of the cooperation, QMware offers practice-oriented basic and advanced seminars. Students will also have access to QMware’s Software Development Kit, which they can use to develop and test their own applications. On August 18, Technikum invites partners and media representatives to the conference dinner. To register, visit jobs@technikumwien.at. Photo materials can be requested at jobs@technikum-wien.at. Starting in the winter semester, QMware AG will also be represented with its offerings in the computer science course. The FH Technikum Wien wants to extend the range of courses by the topic of quantum computing and to install it firmly as a specialization in the bachelor’s as well as later in the master’s program.
The continuous dialogue between industry and science as well as the political promotion of quantum technology are of crucial importance for the further growth of the Austrian and European quantum ecosystem. The U.S. and China are considered leaders in the global quantum race, but the European Union is continuously catching up: In addition to providing much higher funding, the European research landscape produces the highest number of graduates who could work in this field. Nevertheless, a severe shortage of subject matter experts is already emerging. Expanding the range of teaching and research opportunities is critical to closing this gap. The joint initiative of QMware and Technikum Wien is crucial. Together, they aim to strengthen the Austrian and European quantum ecosystem through an application-oriented teaching and research approach and to exploit the potential of the European location.
Gerd Krizek, Department Applied Mathematics and Physics, FH Technikum Wien: “Quantum computing already plays a role in industry and business. Especially in international competition, we see a decisive key technology here. We want to prepare our students for this today.”
Lukas Mairhofer, Applied Physics Competence Area, FH Technikum Wien: “The cooperation with QMware is a strategically important step for the development of competence in the field of quantum computing. We see the need to include application-oriented teaching in our curriculum at an early stage.”
Georg Gesek, CTO and co-founder of QMware: “We need quantum computing expertise in Europe now! In January, we opened the world’s first hybrid quantum cloud data center in Vienna. The initiative with the Technikum Wien is another important step in further developing the Austrian and European quantum ecosystem. Our cooperation with the Technikum Wien provides a great opportunity to impart practical know-how for this future technology together in a professional and practice-oriented way. We are excited about this exemplary collaboration between industry and education, in which students are supported and promoted on their academic path.”
Dr. Florian Neukart, CPO of Terra Quantum: “Throughout my entire career, I have worked at the interface of business and science and have benefited from this combination. Europe relies on the application-oriented training of young talent in the field of quantum technology. I am extremely excited to participate in the initiative as a lecturer and provide students with insight into concrete application examples in the industry.”
About the cooperation
The joint initiative between QMware and Technikum Wien was launched in 2022. The unique initiative forms the interface between an innovative Quantum Cloud provider and science. The goal of the cooperation is to optimally prepare young talents for the dawning age of quantum computing with the help of application-oriented research methods, to promote the mutual exchange of knowledge, and to drive joint projects forward. Within the framework of the cooperation, QMware offers practice-oriented basic and advanced seminars in linear algebra, quantum physics, and hybrid algorithm programming. Students will also have access to QMware’s software development kit, which they can use to develop and test their own applications. QMware will also support the students in preparing their bachelor thesis.
About the FH Technikum Wien
The FH Technikum Wien is Austria’s University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Digitalization. Since its foundation in 1994, it has produced 13,000 graduates. Currently, 4,500 students in 30 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs are being trained to become top executives for the economy. The UAS is a network partner of FEEI – Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie. https://www.technikum-wien.at
About QMware AG
QMware AG, the leading private quantum cloud company, builds the first commercially valuable applications for hybrid quantum computing. Due to its open quantum platform architecture, QMware integrates technology from hard- and software providers from the industry as well as academia into its own unique quantum computing stack: The platform consists of classical high-performance computers with virtual quantum processors, which in turn can include both classical simulators and native quantum registers. This way, QMware integrates the leading quantum technologies available on the market for high-performance computing. Leveraging the best of the classical and quantum world, the future advantage of hybrid quantum computing is already economically tangible for industry and research partners. Additionally, the setup enables the realization of modern, GDPR-, as well as GAIA-X-compliant online services with hybrid quantum computing. In 2022, QMware was selected to be part of a consortium to build the first quantum cloud for the industry in Germany, commissioned by The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Media Contact
Rafael Rasinger
Head of Innovation, ScaleUp & Networks
FH Technikum Wien
E-Mail: rafael.rasinger@technikum-wien.at
Tel.: +43 664 9650781
Mira Dechant
VP PR & Marketing
E-Mail: mira.dechant@qm-ware.com
Tel.: +41 795105338