Hybrid quantum computing for production and logistics: JKU Linz and QMware demonstrate application potential for the manufacturing industry
Quantum computing offers solutions to highly complex problems and drives innovation in areas such as medicine, logistics and finance. Together with the start-up QMware, the Johannes Kepler University Linz is playing a pioneering role in this field.

Despite its early development phase, the technology is already showing transformative approaches. The JKU has been doing pioneering work in this area for some time. In the latest project, the team led by Dr. Felix Gemeinhardt (Department of Theoretical Biophysics at the JKU), together with quantum computing start-up QMware, is demonstrating how this new form of data processing can provide real added value in the manufacturing industry. The collaboration was carried out and funded as part of the European Digital Innovation Hub AI5Production.
Specific use case: the lot-sizing problem
As part of the “Test Before Invest” project, the Institute of Information Systems – Software Engineering and the Institute of Production and Logistics Management at the JKU have teamed up with quantum computing start-up QMware to test the added value of quantum computing for industrial applications based on a specific problem. The “Hybrid quantum-classical optimization for the lot-sizing problem (HyQOLoS)” project looks at challenges that are commonplace in the manufacturing industry: The lot-sizing problem asks how much of a product should be produced or ordered and when in order to minimize costs. Factors such as storage costs and production capacities make this planning particularly complex. The HyQOLoS project combines classical and quantum methods to efficiently solve difficult sub-problems and thus optimize business processes.
Hybrid quantum computing: a new approach for complex computing power
Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, hybrid quantum-classical solutions are already paving the way for practical applications. The Viennese start-up QMware specializes in combining classical and quantum-based technology. With QMware’s hybrid cloud platform, the JKU team was able to develop and test new algorithms that intelligently combine classical and quantum-based approaches. These algorithms utilize the respective strengths of both approaches and thus offer practice-oriented solutions for industrial challenges. The development of such hybrid approaches requires not only specialized hardware, but also innovative software that efficiently integrates classical and quantum-based components. This approach shows how the potential of quantum computing can already be applied to specific problems today.
HyQOLoS: Future prospects and industrial applications
With HyQOLoS, the JKU and QMware have proven that hybrid quantum computing creates practical added value and lays a foundation for future technological developments. The team has produced a prototype application that can overcome real industrial challenges. At the same time, the project shows how SMEs can implement innovative solutions through collaboration with research institutions and programs such as the European Digital Innovation Hub AI5Production.
About the Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) has been a university with strong regional roots and an international focus for almost 60 years. It is the largest educational and research institution in Upper Austria, where teaching and research is carried out in the fields of law, technology, natural sciences, medicine, education, social sciences and economics. Around 25,000 students and almost 4,000 employees have a modern infrastructure on the JKU campus with plenty of space for learning, research and living. One research focus is the systematic development of quantum software and its integration with classical software systems to advance hybrid quantum computing in various application domains
About QMware
QMware is a leading provider of hybrid quantum computing cloud services specializing in B2B Quantum-as-a-Service. The company’s platform combines high-performance computing with advanced quantum resources to augment today’s hyperscaler capabilities. Using advanced quantum hypervisor technology, QMware manages data processing tasks and selects the most appropriate system – classical or quantum – depending on the specific requirements of each task. This strategic approach makes QMware a key enabler of early quantum computing solutions in the industry, serving the growing demand for superior computing power in optimization, simulation and machine learning. As a member of the SeQuenC initiative, QMware has been selected to build the first quantum cloud for German industry in 2022. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. Further information can be found at qm-ware.com and LinkedIn.
Press contact
Mira Dechant
VP PR & Marketing at QMware
Phone: +41 795105338
E-mail: mira.dechant@qm-ware.com