
Information according to §5 TMG

QMware GmbH
Barth Strasse 18
D-80339 Munich

VAT identification number: DE344668681 according to §27a VAT law

Register Court Munich
HRB: 266640

Represented by the managing director (Geschäftsführer):
Markus Pflitsch

Responsible for editorial content / journalistically edited Services according to Section 18 (2) of the German Interstate Media Treaty:

QMware GmbH

Barthstrasse 18
D-80339 Munich

Basically we are pleased about link references to the QMware pages and ask for a pre-information, if you insert a link to our page at your site.

Source information for the used pictures and graphics

QMware GmbH is not responsible for and has no influence on the content of pages of other companies. Links to external providers do not represent any valuation, assessment or recommendation by QMware GmbH. The information on the QMware GmbH website is continuously checked with care. However, QMware GmbH cannot guarantee for completeness or correctness.

Registered trademarks, names, brands
The use of registered trademarks, names or brands without labeling are made in agreement with their owners and were contractually approved by the owners in advance.