Welcome to qXPLR: QMware's Quantum Cloud Services

Offering Quantum Cloud Services for early industry adoption, learning & development

two hands typing in a laptop accessing quantum cloud computing services

Why use Quantum Cloud Services?

Quantum Computing is transforming industries by modernizing Enterprise IT estates towards High-Performance Computing in a Multicloud Landscape. It will eventually exponentially increase processing power and accuracy of many enterprise applications in the fields of Simulation, Optimization and AI. Even though physical Quantum Processors are still in their early stages, enterprises can benefit from quantum computing today using QMware’s Quantum Hypervisor combined with our HPC-grade Quantum Simulator.

QMware’s unique hybrid platform architecture

Unlock the benefits of quantum computing with QMware’s Hybrid Quantum Computing approach. Our hybrid approach uses both physical and simulated Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) alongside classical High-Performance Computing resources.

Using the QMware platform, you can develop hybrid quantum algorithms within containerized Quantum Runtime Environments (QRE) and run quantum circuits (digital) or Hamiltonians (analog) on native quantum processors upon request.

Get started on QMware’s qXPLR Cloud Platform

QMware’s qXPLR is the next-generation cloud platform for developing and deploying hybrid Quantum Applications. qXPLR provides access to both classical and quantum resources.

Watch our video to learn more about the qXPLR platform with qognite™ and how to access our quantum-classical resources using our inbuilt SDK basiq.

Leverage QMware’s meta-SDK basiq™

QMware’s Cloud Services include our proprietary meta-SDK, basiqQM. This software offers an Immediate Representation of physical quantum resources, compatible with many Quantum Software Development Environments. Users can leverage up to 42 logical, error-free qubits. Additionally, QMware provides access to native QPUs. The meta-SDK basiqQM optimizes data processing between classical and quantum resources, delivering the best results for your application.

Real-world benefits: Advancing business solutions

Develop hybrid quantum algorithms on virtual quantum machines and run tested models on native quantum processors via our Quantum Runtime Environments (QRE). QMware’s hybrid quantum computing approach enables faster and more accurate results for the industry.

Discover how you can advance today’s solutions using QMware Cloud Services.